How to Improve Self-Esteem: Let's Talk Diet, Exercise, and Sleep

How to improve self-esteem? Lets' get out of your head and into your body. Diet, exercise, and sleep may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we're talking about self-confidence, but they can have a profound effect. I'm sure you've noticed that you feel like crap and are less confident in yourself and your abilities after not getting much sleep. The same holds true when we eat a bad diet and don't get out there and move.

Don't panic. I'm not saying that you have to start eating super clean, train like a pro athlete, and always get nine hours of sleep. Instead, I want you to simply become more aware of how these things affect you. My hope is that you'll make small changes in your life to improve each area. Create new, healthier habits that will improve not only your self-confidence but how you feel in general.

How to improve self-esteem:

Food affects our mood. Turkey and an assortment of rich foods eaten on Thanksgiving makes us sluggish and tired. Coffee perks us up in the morning and chocolate puts us into a better mood. There are so many examples of how our diet affects, body, mind, and how we feel about ourselves. The better of a diet you eat, the better you'll feel. Pay attention to how food affects you and make changes accordingly. If that plate of spaghetti for lunch makes you useless in the afternoon, stick with a healthy salad on days when you have an important meeting in the afternoon.

How to improve self-esteem:

Exercise is another part of the equation. Not only is it important to go out there and move for your overall health and well-being, exercise also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Going for a quick walk in the fresh air does wonders to clear your head and help with focus and concentration. And there's nothing like a little physical activity to boost your confidence and courage. Go out there and move more often and more regularly. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

How to improve self-esteem:

Sleep is one of the most important things for overall well-being. We can get away with eating junk for a while and do nothing but sit on the couch and still feel physically and mentally ok. But just a sleepless nights turn us into useless zombies. Heck, one night of not sleeping well can put a serious damper on our productivity and how we perceive ourselves. It's no wonder that creating good sleep habits is one of the best things you can do for your self-confidence.

We all go through seasons in life where sleep isn't a priority. If you have a newborn in the house, there's simply no way to get a solid eight hours per night. Do what you can and realize that this is temporary. Give yourself some grace and realize that it can mess with your self-confidence.

How to improve self-esteem:

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