The Power of Confidence: Trust in You!

The power of confidenceWith confidence, you can turn the impossible into the possible – create success where others might give up. While you can gain confidence from education and experience, confidence must come from inside and you must project it in a way that you and others find inspiring.

The Power of Confidence: 
1. Don't underestimate its value

Confidence provides the power you need to step into unknown situations, determined to succeed. Leaving behind the secure and the known in your life may take incredible confidence. Without it, you may become stuck in a milk-toast type of life and never get out of a rut or a career that’s going nowhere. 

Confidence doesn't mean not feeling afraid or experiencing stress. The power of confidence is that you use the fear and stress to your advantage and move forward. 

If you lack confidence, it may not be obvious to you until you get real with yourself. If you procrastinate or feel overwhelmed much of the time, it may be very difficult to turn the tides unless you do address your confidence issues. It’s difficult for you to take action to get out of ruts and bad situations because you feel you can’t do it right or you need to learn more.

The power of confidence can also help your decision-making skills. You may be hesitant to make decisions about even the smallest of issues because you lack confidence in your own abilities to succeed. You may become paralyzed with indecision and become isolated and withdrawn. Second-guessing yourself only makes it worse.

Sometimes you just need to behave as if you’re confident and use that power to take action rather than simply waiting for something to happen to cement an idea or solve a problem. At least be confident in your determination to work on your goals. That determination will spur you on to take the action(s) you need to succeed.

Soon, confidence can become a habit in your life – a good habit that you’ll welcome and want to cultivate. That ingrained habit will help you leave your comfort zone and take chances. Even if you fail, you’ll learn from the mistakes you make and have the resolve to go on to try the next idea or level of success.

Confidence provides the power you need to commit and work toward goals and know that your efforts are going to succeed in the long run. Not only does that increase your chances of succeeding – it also creates a sense of satisfaction in your mind.

The Power of Confidence:
2. Trust and confidence go hand-in-hand

If you have had a difficult time trusting yourself, it may be a sign that you lack confidence. You can't develop any trust without confidence. Feel secure in your abilities and be strong in your convictions, but know when you are wrong, as well.

The above requires you to develop confidence. That may seem scary to you. However, it’s not as difficult as you think. No one is born with confidence. It is something people learn and develop during their lives. It’s the same for you. Take steps to develop your confidence and trusting yourself will become easy.

Fear is the biggest detractor from confidence. When you give into your fears, you will diminish the chances of building up your confidence. 

That is something that deepens if you don’t handle it quickly. You need to face your fears head-on.

That doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind and be reckless. You should take chances but only if they won’t put your life or others’ lives in danger. You would not jump out of a plane without a parachute. Don’t make frivolous decisions, either. Confidence is about knowing the difference.

Start out with small tasks that you have been afraid to try in the past. Most outcomes will turn out better than you imagine. If you try to project what will happen, and it is always a negative outcome, you will never make any decisions. Take on those small tasks without thinking too much about what’s going to happen. That will build up your confidence as you’ve never seen before.

You should ask questions when you aren’t sure about the situations you face. Confidence is not about having all the answers. It’s about knowing where to find them and who to rely on with the knowledge that you need. It’s also about pulling the trigger when you have gathered enough information.

Confidence is about taking responsibility for your decisions and your actions. If you believe in what you are doing, you can portray that belief to others affected by your decisions. You will come across as being weak if you start blaming others when your situation doesn’t go as planned. Once this happens, others will lose faith in you. That will cause your confidence to erode, and self-doubt will take over. When you make your decisions, you own them, even if they don’t work out.

When you increase your confidence, you will automatically increase trusting yourself. Then, you can accomplish more than you ever imagined.

The Power of Confidence:
Are you too self-critical?

Self-criticism could be draining your confidence. Introspection can help us learn about ourselves. It can help us see that we are not perfect and give us the right balance of doing what is right and doing whatever we want, no matter the circumstance. People who aren’t introspective often blame others for problems, even when it’s their fault.

However, you can overdo it to the point where you are knocking yourself. When you get to this point, you can be jeopardizing your confidence. You need to find the right balance of learning about yourself and keeping up your self-esteem.

Always evaluate every situation you find yourself involved with. Don’t make assumptions as they can be wrong, without the right information. You want to make sure that you have covered all the basis before making any determinations. You want to eliminate any possibility that you are the cause of any negative situations. If you are, own up to it and try to make the situation right.

But, don’t just take the blame for everything. If you discover that you are not the cause, then speak up and let that be known. Self-critical people will tend to blame themselves automatically. This can bring down your spirits over time. It’s okay to help others when they are the responsible party. When you do this, they will be more willing to help you when you are at fault.

It’s important to pick your battles, too. If you find something minor that came up, you may want to let it go. Sometimes, it can even be worth taking the fall for these minor situations. It won’t have much impact, and by doing this, you can help everyone involved to move forward.

If you take the fall for major things, however, you are setting up to make the situation worse. The person who is truly responsible will continue to act in a detrimental way because you let them get away with it. If you are taking the blame for everything, it’s time to stop. It’s not helping, and you may not be able to reverse what people believe about you. Many people do this to keep the peace, but in the end, it’s not good for anyone. Responsible parties need to take responsibility, and the only way that will happen is to stand up to the culprits. By doing so, you will gain more confidence and make each of these situations right.

You are what you feed yourself. I'm talking about both the body and mind. Having a negative outlook stems from not being fully confident in yourself. In order to find the positive in your life, start with what's amazing about yourself. Practice these strategies daily to boost the power of confidence so you can remind yourself how awesome you are. Get in the habit of regular self-care and stick to it. This will help you change your outlook towards whatever situation presents itself. Baby steps!

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